Overcome Email Overload with Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002

Errata and Additional Tips

Despite my best efforts, I didn't catch all of the problems with the book before it went to the printers. If you find an error that is not listed, please let me know so that I can fix it in the (eventual) second edition.

Factual Errors

Errors of Omission


None known yet.


On page 152, there is an extra period past the end of the "common names" bullet.


Here are useful tips that didn't make it into the book, either because they don't help get through email faster, because I didn't learn about them until later, or because I didn't think they were appropriate for the book. If you find any errors in the book, please send email to outlookErrors@webfoot.com.

If you know any Outlook 2000 or Outlook 2002 tricks that aren't in the book, please send email to outlookTips@webfoot.com

Last Modified 8 April 2002.